Capital Improvements and Safety Levy

Last February, we were very appreciative of the Mattawa community passing a 2-year Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy that covers support staff salaries, after-school programs, sports, technology, and other educational operations expenditures. 

In February of this year, the school district is placing a three-year Capital Improvements and Safety Levy on the ballot. 

The 3-year levy will support the districtā€™s need for the following. 

  • Replacement of roofs at both Mattawa Elementary and Saddle Mountain Elementary schools 

  • Replacement of the HVAC system at Saddle Mountain Elementary school 

  • Modernization of Mattawa Elementary and Wahluke Junior High schoolsā€™ fire alarm systems 

  • Modernization and improvements for the Wahluke Junior and High School CTE shop 

  • Replacement of three sports scoreboards

  • Replacement of a number of our districtā€™s aged interior cameras

  • Modernization of the district-wide security alarm system

  • Provide additional classrooms

  • Several other maintenance and operation projects and equipment replacement

Many of the items are replacements of 30-year-old products or work. They have all been well maintained but have exceeded their expected lifespan, and we need to reinvest back into our valued assets. The districtā€™s dramatic growth in the past twenty-five years has consumed resources that are usually allocated for building maintenance and updates. Those lesser priorities have now become necessities.

The levy rate per $1,000 assessed value for this three-year levy would be $1.90 per thousand in 2022, $1.86 per thousand in 2023, and $1.82 per thousand in 2024. Those estimates calculate out to $1.5 Million in each of the three years, totaling a $4.5 million proposition. 

In the following weeks, we will be sharing stories and further details on these projects and needs. 

For further information on the Capital Improvements and Safety Levy, please visit our website at

Please remember to vote on February 9th.

*A levy is a short-term, local property tax passed by the voters of a school district that generates revenue for the district to fund programs and services that the state does not fund or fully fund as part of ā€œbasic education.ā€ Levies require a simple majority to pass (50% + 1)

Capital Improvements and Safety Levy Informational Flyer

Informational Videos

Tax Collection Year




Taxed Value

$1.90/$1,000 Assessed Value

$1.86/$1,000 Assessed Value

$1.82/$1,000 Assessed Value

Estimated Total Collection




Project/Equipment Schedule


MES Roof Replacement

SME Roof Replacement

SME HVAC Replacement

MES Fire Alarm Modernization

WJH Fire Alarm Modernization

WJH, SME, MES Scoreboard Replacement

HVAC Controls

Security Camera Modernization

WHS Parking Lot Resurfacing

Irrigation System Upgrade

SME Hallway Carpet Replacement

District-wide Rekeying

Portable Classroom HVAC Controls Replacement

District-wide Security System Modernization

Surplus and Storage Building Construction

WHS Portable Classrooms (3x2)

Mower Replacements (2)

Estimated Cost



















Summer 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

Fall 2022

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Summer 2022

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Fall 2021

Summer 2022

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

KEY: PRE (Mattawa Preschool), MES (Mattawa Elementary School), SME (Saddle Mountain Elementary School), MSE (Morris Schott Elementary School), WJH (Wahluke Junior High), WHS (Wahluke High School), SNT (Sentinel Tech Alternative School)