Wahluke School Board

Wahluke School Board Goals:
Student Achievement: Every student will improve their level of academic achievement
English Language Acquisition: First language Spanish speaking students will learn English at a level to be successful
Personnel: The District will improve the instructional staff by quality hiring, training, and retention practices
Resource Management: All resources will be managed for the greatest good for students
Stakeholder Involvement: Engage all District and community stakeholders in strategic ways for student success
Character-Building: All students, P-12, will be involved with character-building educational activities.
Regular meetings of the school board are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the Administration Office building located at 505 N Boundary Mattawa WA. 99349. When there is a change in time, date, or place, public notice is given via this website and through news media. All regular and special board meetings are open to the public and all actions authorized or required by law are taken at these meetings. The board may, however, meet in closed (executive) session for the purposes of:
review of applicant qualifications
review of qualifications of candidates for board appointment
acquisition of real estate
sale or lease of real estate
performance on publicly bid contracts
attorney-client discussions
consideration of employee discipline or performance
All formal actions, however, are taken in public sessions. Minutes of all regular and special board meetings are matters of public record. Newspaper reporters regularly attend board meetings.
Appearances Before the Board
Visitors are always welcome at board meetings. A place is reserved on the agenda for visitors with questions or concerns. Comments are limited to not more than three minutes for each speaker, exceptions may be granted by the Board Chair.
In order to protect the integrity of the educational program and the privacy of individual instructors and employees of the Wahluke School District, the board has established procedures for hearing citizen complaints alleging inappropriate conduct. Such complaints must be referred to the superintendent in writing for investigation prior to consideration by the board of directors. The superintendent or his designee will be responsible for reviewing the written complaint and determining what, if any, investigation should take place. The complaint should be brought to the board of directors only after it has been investigated. The board of directors may hear the complaint in executive session in accordance with the restrictions of the open public meetings law.
Questions or comments should be directed to the board as a whole. When recognized by the president, those wishing to comment should stand and identify themselves.
The Role of the Superintendent
The superintendent is hired by and is directly responsible to the board of directors. It is his/her responsibility to provide effective leadership and to secure maximum educational opportunities for children by constantly striving to improve the quality of instruction.
The superintendent endeavors to obtain and develop the most competent staff to carry out the schoolās purposes. He/she provides leadership in securing the funds and facilities needed for an effective instructional program. The superintendent encourages and maintains communication between the schools and the public. The superintendent serves as secretary to the board by state law and advises the board when required.
Number of Members and Terms of Office
The board shall consist of five members, elected by ballot by the registered voters of the district, and two Student Representatives to the Board. Except as otherwise provided by law, board members shall hold office for terms of four years (except for the Student Representatives) and until their successors are elected and qualified. Terms of board members shall be staggered as provided by law.
Newly-elected directors shall take office at the first official meeting of the board of directors after the election results have been certified by the county auditor.